These days, you need a permit for almost everything. This isn’t just to make your life more difficult, it could mean the difference between being safe and putting your home and family in jeopardy. When in doubt…ask. As a general rule, any type of home remodeling project requires a permit. You can actually use this to your advantage while you are interviewing contractors. Just ask about …
Sorting through contractors to find the reputable ones is no easy task for you, and Illinois licensing laws can add to the confusion unless they are explained simply like I am about to do for you. First, current Illinois laws regarding construction trades only require roofers and plumbers to be licensed through the State. You would think electricians would be included in this, but licensing for …
Should you be discussing your budget with a remodeling contractor? This is a plaguing question you face that can unnecessarily infringe on the excitement of having your home remodeled. The fact that you’ll find opinions both ways doesn’t help either, but the following is a way to simplify the matter. At first, when I tell you the answer is both yes and no, that may sound …