Should you be discussing your budget with a remodeling contractor? This is a plaguing question you face that can unnecessarily infringe on the excitement of having your home remodeled. The fact that you'll find opinions both ways doesn't help either, but the following is a way to simplify the matter.

At first, when I tell you the answer is both yes and no, that may sound confusing; but even that conflict is simple enough to come to terms with when I break it down for you into this easy rule. With reputable contractors, the answer is yes. With less reputable contractors, the answer is a resounding no.

The question of how to discern a reputable contractor from a less reputable one is a discussion I will cover separately in the next post. For right now, I'll cover the primary reasons why an honest discussion of your budget with an experienced and reputable contractor is in your best interest.

To Take Every Consideration Into Account

This just means all the details must be considered so your budget truly accounts for everything. I've seen way too many cases where less comprehensive contractors consider the budget as being what they (the contractor) have to work with instead of what you have to work with. This is usually the real cause of why so many projects run over budget.

In the case of a kitchen remodel for example, the need for new appliances, lighting fixtures, even the seemingly simple touches like window treatments and new countertop appliances aren't always figured in. As long as you figure these items separately, then this may not be a problem, but more often than not, these details get overlooked and it becomes another case of going over budget like you hear so many people report about.

Although I can put in a shameless plug that I look at all these kinds of details before deciding what the real construction portion of your budget allows, not every contractor does. The ones that focus on price typically consider this to be your problem and won't bring it up if you don't ask. It's good for you to be sure what is and is not included.

To Ease the Decisions You Must Make

The decision process can either be daunting or exciting. Admittedly, you most likely have a lot of decisions to reconcile the budget with your vision for the remodeling project. There may even be some compromise required. But an experienced remodeling contractor who takes the time to understand your priorities can make the process more pleasure than pain.

Your remodeling project will typically have a combination of four types of details:

  1. the "must haves" that are too important to be compromised
  2. the "wish list" that you want to do as much as possible with and has variable priority levels for each item
  3. the "low priority" items where lower price is usually preferred
  4. and the "never thought of it until you asked" items that make you glad you hired a conscientious professional

Communication and contractor experience are the key. Many of the details you want to see may have more than one way to accomplish the goal. Your budget does not need to be restrictive. A good contractor will be able to explain your options so your priorities can be attained within your budget, and you can make informed decisions on all those details that seem daunting without qualified help.

In the early stages of planning your remodeling project, this is all like an unassembled puzzle. When your contractor is willing to work with you to harmonize your goals and budget, the pieces begin to form a picture and the decisions get easier.

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